Looking for a Diversity Reseller?

We can help...

If you are a governmental agency, corporation or state or local agency looking for a diversity reseller as a partner in your diversity spend goals, we can help.Our clients represent the ride range of vetted and qualified disadvantaged businesses that can assist you in your search for a diversity partner that can help you reach your spend goals--whether it be a DBEs (Disadvantaged Business Enterprise), SDBs (Small Disadvantaged Businesses), HUBZones (Historically Underutilized Business Zones), SBA 8(a)s, Women-Owned Small Businesses, and Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses,  minority owned, etc., we provide IT, e-procurement, e-commerce marketplace solutions and integration solutions to all types of diversity resellers.

diversity reseller Using punchout catalog implementations, electronic procurement solutions using cxml, hosted catalogs and multiple payment options, our platform can assist your agency with options through which to implement diverse spend goals. Our clients can connect with your ERP platform or provide a platform from which to place orders without being considered a diversity pass-through.

Vetting a Disadvantaged Business for Diversity Spend

Vetting a disadvantaged business for diversity spend is an important process that ensures the allocation of resources to businesses that have historically faced social or economic disadvantages. By implementing effective vetting procedures, organizations can promote diversity and inclusion in their supply chains and contribute to the growth of disadvantaged businesses. Here are some steps to consider when vetting a disadvantaged business for diversity spend:

  1. Define criteria: Start by clearly defining the criteria that will be used to determine whether a business qualifies as disadvantaged. This may include factors such as minority or women ownership, certification as a minority-owned business, or participation in social equity programs.
  2. Research certification programs: Familiarize yourself with the various certification programs available for disadvantaged businesses. Organizations such as the Small Business Administration (SBA) and local government agencies often provide certification processes that can help validate a business's disadvantaged status.
  3. Review documentation: Request the necessary documentation from the business to verify their disadvantaged status. This may include certification papers, financial statements, tax returns, and other relevant records. Thoroughly review these documents to ensure compliance with the defined criteria.
  4. Conduct interviews: Schedule interviews with the business owners or representatives to gain a better understanding of their operations, goals, and commitment to diversity and inclusion. Ask questions about their experience, challenges faced, and strategies for growth.
  5. Assess capacity and capability: Evaluate the business's capacity and capability to meet your organization's needs. Consider factors such as their financial stability, workforce, infrastructure, and track record of delivering quality products or services.
  6. Consider references and testimonials: Request references or testimonials from previous clients or partners who have worked with the business. This can provide insights into their performance, reliability, and ability to meet diversity objectives.
  7. Conduct site visits: If feasible, conduct site visits to observe the business's operations firsthand. This can help validate their claims, assess their facilities, and evaluate their commitment to diversity and inclusion in practice.
  8. Monitor performance: Once a disadvantaged business is selected, establish a monitoring system to track their performance and ensure ongoing compliance with diversity spend objectives. Regularly review their progress and address any issues or concerns that may arise.

By following these steps, organizations can effectively vet disadvantaged businesses for diversity spend. It is crucial to approach this process with fairness, transparency, and a commitment to promoting diversity and inclusion. By doing so, organizations can contribute to a more equitable business environment while supporting the growth and success of disadvantaged businesses.

Our clients have already been vetted and can save you valuable time in assessing the qualifications you are looking for. Contact us to connect with a reseller that matches your spend requirements.

For more information, please contact Us: 713-252-5160